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The Translation Agency Diplom got the winner prize again at the most prestigious award conquest NOTORIUM TRADEMARK.

On April 27, 2018, the Agency Diplom has been confirmed again the best trademark according to voting within NOTORIUM TRADEMARK AWARDS’18 in the category „Translation Agencies”.

The road to victory has not been easy, but the result is undisputed fact. According to the results of final poll, we overpassed the closest rival with more than 2400 votes.

Voting is open for everybody willing to participate. We are very honoured and pleased that according to the opinion of customers and partners, the Agency Diplom was conferred this award in the category „Translation Agencies”.

Everybody related to business world is perfectly aware that there is no sudden success. Behind brilliant results, there are efforts of many people that perform daily their professional tasks in perfect way and within specified deadlines.

Irina Pîrău, CEO of Agency Diplom: ”We are absolutely aware of the fact that people are the most valuable assets of our company. Due to them, we have developed in 16 years, our agency coming to 14 branches across the whole of Moldova. We keep on working, putting accent on high quality and accuracy of the provided services. Great thank you to all our coworkers. And, certainly, special thank you to our customers that have believed in the Agency Diplom”.