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The Awards Ceremony NOTORIUM TRADEMARK AWARDS’18 took place in Casa Sarbatorii on May 30, 2018. The Agency Diplom confirmed one more time the position of the best Translation Agency in the Republic of Moldova.

We have become the one and only leader in the category “Translation Agency”. The distance from the closest rival constituted more than 2400 votes. This prestigious award and received victory prize had confirmed again that DIPLOM still remains the best in this field according to the opinion of our customers and friends.

Serghei Gomon, Director of project and one of our partners, has congratulated us on the victory too:

           Serghei Gomon

“The agency Diplom has never stopped working for their customers, keep on growing and developing. Your agency is focused on success, that is the reason you have been making efforts to support the status of leader in the category of Translation Agencies. You have been making every possible efforts: by permanently increasing professional level of employees and high quality of the provided services. Your team is aware as well that perfection has no boundaries. However, you have always tried to reach the ideal level: perfection of provided work in each least detail, because you are aware of the fact that there are no minor details in business world. The status of leader given by your customers is a pleasant achievement, at the same time requiring from DIPLOM many things. This stimulates the company for further growth and development.
I congratulate the whole Diplom team, wishing you success and accomplishment of all proposed goals. Keep on moving forward”